
Process Cycle for the Med-Droid ZZX (2024), 100-Foot Crow, Ed. Victoria Brun. Available to read for free here.

Colossus (2024), Metaphorosis Magazine, Ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Publishing. Available to read or to listen to for free here.

Excision (2024), Every Day Fiction, Managing Editor, Camille Gooderham Campbell. Available to read for free here.

Changeling (2024), Aurealis Magazine #167, Ed. Stephen Higgins, Chimaera Publications. Available here.

Reviewed in Tangent Online by David Wesley Hill. The review is available here.

Museum of Silences (2023), Interzone Digital, Ed. Gareth Jelley, MYY Press. Available to read for free here.

Renovation Makeover (2022), Andromeda Spaceways Magazine, Ed. Tom Dullemond, Andromeda Spaceways Publishing Incorporated. Available here.

Infinite Possibilities (2022), Metaphorosis Magazine, Ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Publishing. Part 1 is available to read or to listen to for free here.

Devil-May-Care (2021), Aurealis Magazine #144, Ed. Dirk Strasser, Chimaera Publications. Available here.

Reviewed in Tangent Online by Victoria Silverwolf. The review is available here.

Included in the Tangent Online 2021 Recommended Reading List, see here.

Esther (2021), Bourbon Penn #24, Ed. Erik Secker, Cognitive Wave, Inc. Available to read for free here.

Reviewed in SFRevu by Sam Tomaino. The review is available here.

The Fissure (2021), The Society of Misfit Stories Presents...September 2021, Ed. Julie Ann Dawson, Bards and Sages Publishing. Available here.

For Sale (2021), Aurealis Magazine #137, Ed. Stephen Higgins, Chimaera Publications. Available here.

Reviewed in Tangent Online by Michelle Ristuccia. The review is available here.

All That Remains (2020), Metaphorosis Magazine, Ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Publishing. Available to read or to listen to for free here.

Rahkaav and the Three Brothers (2020), Bards and Sages Quarterly July 2020, Ed. Julie Ann Dawson, Bards and Sages Publishing. Available here.

Foundations (2020), L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 36, Ed. David Farland, Galaxy Press. Available here.

Finalist for the 2020 Aurealis Award for best Australian horror novella. See here.

Reviewed in Tangent Online by Victoria Silverwolf. The review is available here.

Reviewed in Publishers Weekly here.

The God Weapon (2020), The Society of Misfit Stories Presents...February 2020, Ed. Julie Ann Dawson, Bards and Sages Publishing. Available here.

The Photographs (2019), Andromeda Spaceways Magazine, Ed. Joel Schanke, Andromeda Spaceways Publishing Incorporated. Available here.

Republished in Andromeda Spaceways Magazine: Best Stories: Vol 4 (2021), Andromeda Spaceways Publishing Incorporated. Available here.

The Factory (2019), Score: an SFF symphony, Ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Publishing. Available here.

Nana Naoko's Garden (2018), Metaphorosis Magazine, Ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Publishing. Available to read for free here.

The Offering (2018), Aurealis Magazine #112, Ed. Michael Pryor, Chimaera Publications. Available here.

Finalist for the 2018 Aurealis Award for best Australian horror short story. See here.

Reviewed in Tangent Online by Jeffrey Steven Abrams. The review is available here.

The Simple Task (2018), Reading 5x5: Writers'  Edition, Ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Publishing. Available here.

This Side of the Wall (2018), Metaphorosis Magazine, Ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Publishing. Available to read for free here.

Finalist for the 2018 Aurealis Award for best Australian fantasy novella. See here.

Renewal (2017), Metaphorosis Magazine, Ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Publishing. Available to read for free here.

Reprinted in Reading 5x5 x3: Changes, Ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Publishing. Available here.

Last Chances (2017), The Society of Misfit Stories Presents..., Ed. Julie Ann Dawson, Bards and Sages Publishing.

Since republished in The Society of Misfit Stories Presents... Volume II (2018), Ed. Julie Ann Dawson, Bards and Sages Publishing. Available here.

Dark Passage (2017), The Colored Lens #22, Eds. Dawn Loyd and Daniel Scott, Light Spring LLC. Available to read for free here.